Friday, January 9, 2009

Enthusiasts flock at HeadStart despite petrol dry out in Bangalore and economic recession!!

Scenes were pretty bad as we set out to setup JobeeHive stall at HeadStart.
I got into my car this morning all set to zip to Nimhans convention centre, only to realize that my car was out of petrol. Call to a friend offered some immediate help. Fun thing was he was running it on reserve too :) :) Rows of vehicles queuing up near petrol bunks that somehow had managed to have some stock. Few of the others had put NO SUPPLY boards. Somehow the bike managed to give us a ride to n fro :) Quite lucky that ways :) I am sure this was the story of pretty much everyone.

But startup lovers are too enthusiastic to be bogged down by such situations. Enthusiastic crowd as usual flocked in. As people started looking at our stall JobeeHive, we were ready to offer our demo. But this time around, many people knew JobeeHive already :) Sure traction has helped :) Few congratulated, few others gave feedback to improve upon and few others were excited about JobeeHive Employee Choice Awards. It was heartening to see all that.

Energy and interest displayed by media folks, bloggers, Wannabe Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalists echoed only one thing...Recession or not, we are always like this!! Always Enterprising!

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