Saturday, January 10, 2009

My opinion on few startups at HeadStart!

Curiosity of knowing the other entrepreneurs and the innovation they have been working on, had me stroll around the stalls at HeadStart. I thought may be I should also wet my beak in opining on startups ;) So here is my first take.

1. Artin Dynamics - Nothing major about what they do. But the time during which they are executing this is perfect. When focus is on companies going green, and when focus is on cutting costs, when the focus is on Saving! Good luck guys! Good Timing! 

Products I looked at are worth mentioning - they urge people to save on Phantom power( power that devices consume while they are off). The statistics they have put across are worth looking at. Return of Investment is good enough for companies to buy their products. But this is a market where, anyone can come in quickly. Entry barrier is not there. So beware of others barging into this domain. Good luck and speed up!! 

Artificial intelligence that is built into the software that automatically powers off the devices is where there is scope for scale  and improvement.   

Green Plug has also done similar products to save on phantom power. Also, they have made these plugs common for all. It works with all devices of different wattage requirements.  

All in all, interesting space to be stay tuned. Lets see!

Will post my opinions on Rangde in my next post! 

Friday, January 9, 2009

Enthusiasts flock at HeadStart despite petrol dry out in Bangalore and economic recession!!

Scenes were pretty bad as we set out to setup JobeeHive stall at HeadStart.
I got into my car this morning all set to zip to Nimhans convention centre, only to realize that my car was out of petrol. Call to a friend offered some immediate help. Fun thing was he was running it on reserve too :) :) Rows of vehicles queuing up near petrol bunks that somehow had managed to have some stock. Few of the others had put NO SUPPLY boards. Somehow the bike managed to give us a ride to n fro :) Quite lucky that ways :) I am sure this was the story of pretty much everyone.

But startup lovers are too enthusiastic to be bogged down by such situations. Enthusiastic crowd as usual flocked in. As people started looking at our stall JobeeHive, we were ready to offer our demo. But this time around, many people knew JobeeHive already :) Sure traction has helped :) Few congratulated, few others gave feedback to improve upon and few others were excited about JobeeHive Employee Choice Awards. It was heartening to see all that.

Energy and interest displayed by media folks, bloggers, Wannabe Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalists echoed only one thing...Recession or not, we are always like this!! Always Enterprising!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Employees themselves are the Jury for JobeeHive Employer Awards and rightly so..

Be the Jury for JobeeHive Employer Awards 2008
Employees are indeed the ones who really know what it is to work for an organization and hence they are the best judges to rank employers for Employee Choice Awards. So why wait? Participate now and be the difference! 
Employees' Choice Awards is beginning this year with JobeeHive Employer Awards 2008 chosen by employees (rated and reviewed during 2008 on This is for the first time in India that employees are coming together to rate the best and worst employers of 2008.
Retrospect and rate/ appraise your company for 2008. It only takes 2 minutes but will have a great impact to change our workplaces. We will make sure that employers hear your voices. Get Started Here:
Ratings & reviews submitted till 11th January 2009 will be considered. Contribute your review now and forward this mail to your colleagues/ friends to get more reviews for your employer. - A Popular Research Platform
2008 was a great year at JobeeHive. Traffic has increased by 1900% since September 2008 and today it has reviews for nearly 2000 companies. And according to Alexa Ranking, it is a top player in its niche employer review segment in India.
Where do you wanna go next? Visit

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Voices that delighted me at Startup Saturday while I represented JobeeHive

Hello startup lovers!

I happen to attend the latest edition of startup saturday organized at IIMB. I was representing my venture, JobeeHive. Things were going on, as usual. People meeting people, sharing ideas, discussing about the ventures they have started and stuff. And then i hear these words , coming out in deep voice....those were the introductory words of a man...I was wonder struck hearing them... here they will know why...

"I retired 2 months ago..I am now looking to start my own venture in aeronautics space.. " I looked to see who that was.. An old man, in his sixties i suppose...Saying with all energy..I want to start a venture!!!

Isn't that wonderful? Man who retired just 2 months ago, thinking and in fact working on starting his own venture! Radiating his energy to all the youngsters in the hall.

India is surely going big time in entrepreneurship! Thanks to all the support that we get from communities like these startup saturdays, headstarts, OCCs, Barcamps and such!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

JobeeHive gets to the root of corporate issues: Not so happily employed? Pink Slips? Attrition? paid peanuts?

Not so happily employed? Pink Slips? Attrition?

All the above mentioned broad issues have one thread in common: Un-informed choices! People choosing wrong jobs or employers choosing wrong people!

How do people end up making these wrong choices? Can I make informed decisions? Can I escape from becoming a scapegoat of those issues? Yes, you can! JobeeHive helps everyone to make an informed decision.
has done a detailed analysis and here is its take on these challenges.

Each prospective employee should be aware of these below listed 4 aspects before choosing any job:

WorkCulture: How is the work environment in this company? Each person can be highly productive as long as the energy levels at the work place is kept at optimum levels. Each one will have different requirements. Few need flexibility in timings, few need discipline at work, and few others need perfect ergonomics!

Work itself: Few love challenges, and few others like relaxed and no-tension work.Few don't like to be micro managed while few others don't like to take responsibilities. Ensure what is the scene like in the Company that you wish to join.

Salaries: Many people unfortunately are ignorant about the pay structure. In few companies, CTC that they offer is inclusive of bonus and other benefits and in few other companies it is not inclusive. Don't fall prey for such tricks. In some companies rewards, leave options will be better than others. While you choose your next employer, understand the offered salary structure and policies before hand.

Business Outlook: Some of you have lot of responsibilities on your shoulders and cannot take risks with start ups, low performing but futuristic companies! Few others love to work in such companies as recognition is generally good in such companies. Also check how the sales of the company are like, are they growing ? Falling off? Is the management doing well to ward of such problems? Does company have needed farsightedness? Ensure that you get all these info

Well all these things are fine. But where do I get such info? JobeeHive is providing such info about companies in India and abroad. How does JobeeHive get that info. JobeeHive is a democracy of corporate world. It collects these information from the real people like current employees, ex-employees, clients, people who were interviewed with and such. The information is opinions of real people like you. It is "by the people" and "for the people".

Know all about your next company and you will find right jobs in the right company, where you will be productive for sure. No pink Slips. No attrition.Happily employed. No Salary worries.

Please leave your opinion at
and help other people like you to avoid making wrong decisions.

I shall read your opinions on JobeeHive.

Signing off,

JobeeHive gets to root of corporate issues: Not so happily employed? Pink Slips? Attrition? paid peanuts?

Not so happily employed? Pink Slips? Attrition?

All the above mentioned broad issues have one thread in common: Un-informed choices! People choosing wrong jobs or employers choosing wrong people!

How do people end up making these wrong choices? Can I make informed decisions? Can I escape from becoming a scapegoat of those issues? Yes, you can! JobeeHive helps everyone to make an informed decision.
has done a detailed analysis and here is its take on these challenges.

Each prospective employee should be aware of these below listed 4 aspects before choosing any job:

WorkCulture: How is the work environment in this company? Each person can be highly productive as long as the energy levels at the work place is kept at optimum levels. Each one will have different requirements. Few need flexibility in timings, few need discipline at work, and few others need perfect ergonomics!

Work itself: Few love challenges, and few others like relaxed and no-tension work.Few don't like to be micro managed while few others don't like to take responsibilities. Ensure what is the scene like in the Company that you wish to join.

Salaries: Many people unfortunately are ignorant about the pay structure. In few companies, CTC that they offer is inclusive of bonus and other benefits and in few other companies it is not inclusive. Don't fall prey for such tricks. In some companies rewards, leave options will be better than others. While you choose your next employer, understand the offered salary structure and policies before hand.

Business Outlook: Some of you have lot of responsibilities on your shoulders and cannot take risks with start ups, low performing but futuristic companies! Few others love to work in such companies as recognition is generally good in such companies. Also check how the sales of the company are like, are they growing ? Falling off? Is the management doing well to ward of such problems? Does company have needed farsightedness? Ensure that you get all these info

Well all these things are fine. But where do I get such info? JobeeHive is providing such info about companies in India and abroad. How does JobeeHive get that info. JobeeHive is a democracy of corporate world. It collects these information from the real people like current employees, ex-employees, clients, people who were interviewed with and such. The information is opinions of real people like you. It is "by the people" and "for the people".

Know all about your next company and you will find right jobs in the right company, where you will be productive for sure. No pink Slips. No attrition.Happily employed. No Salary worries.

Please leave your opinion at
and help other people like you to avoid making wrong decisions.

I shall read your opinions on JobeeHive.

Signing off,

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Scary Calls and Messages from Strangers?

People People!

Today my friend's younger sister falls prey for "Calls from strangers" at odd times in the night!!
"Who are you? What is your name? " -- repeated nearly 10times... and poor thing she has exam to attend the next day ... she had to switch off her phone..but she lost her sleep on the night before her exam..

Couple of days earlier.. one of my other friends gets "Hey Baby! how are you?" and such vulgar messages for nearly a week... after threatening that she will report police..he sends.."baby i am scared...don't go to police..hehehehe ..." she is still getting such messages...

There are many such incidents...which are making me post this on my blog...

These people are psychos!! Jobless idiots! We need to address this issue in large scale. Service providers like Airtel, Hutch , BSNL, etc can help us in blocking messages/calls from such number. But they ask customers to lodge a police complaint before they start taking any action. College kids, Girls, or even Adults don't even take that first step simply fearing that it creates more hassle. Which is true, I agree...

The idea of this post is to ask you people to suggest:
  • What is the best plan of action?
  • What would you do?
  • What can be a long term solution?
Also take the poll on left top of this blog..I plan to report this on an editorial along with the statistics some time in January to address this issue.

Please help me in getting these statistics.Also comment with your action steps....

Lets collaborate to build a peaceful world....