Saturday, October 18, 2008

Voices that delighted me at Startup Saturday while I represented JobeeHive

Hello startup lovers!

I happen to attend the latest edition of startup saturday organized at IIMB. I was representing my venture, JobeeHive. Things were going on, as usual. People meeting people, sharing ideas, discussing about the ventures they have started and stuff. And then i hear these words , coming out in deep voice....those were the introductory words of a man...I was wonder struck hearing them... here they will know why...

"I retired 2 months ago..I am now looking to start my own venture in aeronautics space.. " I looked to see who that was.. An old man, in his sixties i suppose...Saying with all energy..I want to start a venture!!!

Isn't that wonderful? Man who retired just 2 months ago, thinking and in fact working on starting his own venture! Radiating his energy to all the youngsters in the hall.

India is surely going big time in entrepreneurship! Thanks to all the support that we get from communities like these startup saturdays, headstarts, OCCs, Barcamps and such!