Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Scary Calls and Messages from Strangers?

People People!

Today my friend's younger sister falls prey for "Calls from strangers" at odd times in the night!!
"Who are you? What is your name? " -- repeated nearly 10times... and poor thing she has exam to attend the next day ... she had to switch off her phone..but she lost her sleep on the night before her exam..

Couple of days earlier.. one of my other friends gets "Hey Baby! how are you?" and such vulgar messages for nearly a week... after threatening that she will report police..he sends.."baby i am scared...don't go to police..hehehehe ..." she is still getting such messages...

There are many such incidents...which are making me post this on my blog...

These people are psychos!! Jobless idiots! We need to address this issue in large scale. Service providers like Airtel, Hutch , BSNL, etc can help us in blocking messages/calls from such number. But they ask customers to lodge a police complaint before they start taking any action. College kids, Girls, or even Adults don't even take that first step simply fearing that it creates more hassle. Which is true, I agree...

The idea of this post is to ask you people to suggest:
  • What is the best plan of action?
  • What would you do?
  • What can be a long term solution?
Also take the poll on left top of this blog..I plan to report this on an editorial along with the statistics some time in January to address this issue.

Please help me in getting these statistics.Also comment with your action steps....

Lets collaborate to build a peaceful world....