Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Scary Calls and Messages from Strangers?

People People!

Today my friend's younger sister falls prey for "Calls from strangers" at odd times in the night!!
"Who are you? What is your name? " -- repeated nearly 10times... and poor thing she has exam to attend the next day ... she had to switch off her phone..but she lost her sleep on the night before her exam..

Couple of days earlier.. one of my other friends gets "Hey Baby! how are you?" and such vulgar messages for nearly a week... after threatening that she will report police..he sends.."baby i am scared...don't go to police..hehehehe ..." she is still getting such messages...

There are many such incidents...which are making me post this on my blog...

These people are psychos!! Jobless idiots! We need to address this issue in large scale. Service providers like Airtel, Hutch , BSNL, etc can help us in blocking messages/calls from such number. But they ask customers to lodge a police complaint before they start taking any action. College kids, Girls, or even Adults don't even take that first step simply fearing that it creates more hassle. Which is true, I agree...

The idea of this post is to ask you people to suggest:
  • What is the best plan of action?
  • What would you do?
  • What can be a long term solution?
Also take the poll on left top of this blog..I plan to report this on an editorial along with the statistics some time in January to address this issue.

Please help me in getting these statistics.Also comment with your action steps....

Lets collaborate to build a peaceful world....

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Talentify Rural Employment Initiative

Talentify announced that as part of Talentify Rural Employment Initiative it has now started taking online requests for Free Resume Editing. In the coming months, Talentify's training wing will also extend Career Guidance through an online platform. Until now, Talentify has operated in pockets of Karnataka State helping rural undergraduates secure better employment opportunities. They now want to reach the rural youth across India.

Kudos to the tech community in Bangalore, India, that has come forward for this endeavor. I agree that it might individually take us a few hours a week, but might collectively have a big impact in rural India. Volunteers who want to help in this noble endeavor can mail Talentify at: talentify[at]gmail[dot]com with subject: volunteer.

The announcement reads "This service is extended to only those students, undergraduates and graduates who are from a rural background. To be more precise, to avail this facility you will have to be a current or previous student of an institute based in rural/ semi-rural India....

Rural students and graduates can mail in their resume at: talentify[at]gmail[dot]com with subject: rural employment..."

Please forward this message to rural students and graduates who need help with employment and career guidance.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Naric Asssesment failure : Be informed


I am just posting this info so that anyone out there from INDIA trying to apply for HSMP/ NARIC be informed: or could be for betterment of procedures followed by NARIC( though i am not entitled to make an impact)
www.sheffield.ac.uk/content/1/c6/06/46/24/India.doc provides the list of universities and the bands under which each university fall under.

http://www.ugc.ac.in/inside/university.html Also, this provides the information on all the universities that "Universities Grants Commission (UGC)" lists.

To be considered for NARIC comparability, primary check would be the UGC list. This will be applicable for all the applicants irrelevant of your country of origin.

fake university list is here: http://www.ugc.ac.in/inside/fakealerts.html

Its rather unfortunate for the millions of students who have completed their courses in non-listed but still non-fake universities, one such example is: Bharathiya Siksha Parishad .


Thursday, April 5, 2007

A lady about 50 something is making a friendly gesture to everyone that she is coming across. She has that charm that makes anyone to smile back , greet her and spend some time talking to her. I did that too and walked little ahead. Suddenly, I saw her getting up and walk towards another bed next to her. The girl on the next bed stares at this lady rather with a surprising look. This lady smiles and says, I am almost 60 and I am carrying!! And she bursts out laughing!!

In reality, this is not a story of someone in 60 getting pregnant. But, it was a tumour in her stomach and the lady was brave enough to accept that in her and moreover capable of brushing that aside as a joke that brings smile on every one's face! She died in a week but she had made sure that she had lived her final days in peace and pride. And definitely had led by example for others patients on how to accept things and fight Cancer the best way even in later stages.

It seems like heaven till someone tells you that in reality it is a cancer hospital.

Thanks to Karunashraya!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Cancer and the world -- what can we do

i need to let the world know what various organizations are doing to fight cancer and what i am doing and what each one of you can do..

I volunteer to an organization called Karunashraya, a terminally ill cancer hospital. This is a place which does palliative treatment to patients who are bound to die. They let them lead their final days in peace and pride..meanwhile increase the longevity (know more @ www.karunashraya.org )

But the focus of the moment should be on how to detect, prevent and cure cancer. I am looking at various treatment techniques that can help one detect cancer at very early stages. I have met people at Indian cancer society and people at Cancer information and research foundation to know more about these techniques. But this technique has to be cost effective so that even the poorest of the poor should have access to it. It should also be curative treatment. I wondered if there can be any such treatment.

Then learnt that Acupressure can detect, prevent and cure cancer.It is very cost effective as it doesn't involve any high end infrastructure.It is accessible to everyone as a self help technique. Perfect fit for what i was looking for...

I had these people come over to my company to conduct a medical checkup..and have cancer awareness program too... World health organization has embraced Acupressure as technique too..

Find out more and help the world acquire the talent to fight cancer!!


Saturday, March 31, 2007

Nice world to be in...

Thanks bloggers! i have surfed through blogging and bloggers..and came to a point when i decided to have one for myself! This is so easy and so neat!!

I am part of the blogging world and feel like a born now..nice place to be in though!!